      Four cavity die-set for Mazzoni STUF/Q stamper that includes: one stainless steel disc die-box made with our big cnc machinery to guarantee a perfect centering and balancing during the molding step, dies in copper alloy for a better cooling efficiency and with wear resistant and non-stick niflon coating treatment, rectified stainless steel holding plates, expeller cleaner support with accessory, stainless steel infeed pusher support, discharge suction cup support, dowel pins for a precise centering system between left half die -disc – right half die.
Manufactured according to Customer specifications to produce soaps of 85 g. |
  EUROSTAMPI Srl Via Firenze 1 21057 Olgiate Olona (VA) Italy -P.IVA 00302850128- Tel. +39 0331 630410. Fax +39 0331 631833   Copyright photo ©Eurostampi srl all images are our property forbidden any use   All names and trademarks belong to their respective owners